

Smoking Hurts Your Teeth and Gums!

miami-dentist-smoking-hurts-teeth-gumsWe all know that habitual smoking harms your major organ systems. Throat, lung, and heart cancer have each been linked with smoking. Many other serious illnesses that have been linked to smoking include heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and other respiratory conditions. But did you know that smoking may also increase your chances of developing plaque, cavities, and gum disease?

By | 2011-02-10T02:34:55+00:00 February 10th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Smoking Hurts Your Teeth and Gums!

Why Yogis Will Love Holistic Dentistry

miami-dentist-why-yogis-will-love-holistic-dentistryYogis and holistic dentists have at least one thing in common. Each concentrates on the big picture at hand. For Yogis, this includes using stretches and breathing techniques to unveil the connection between the mental and the physical. In the same way, holistic dentistry seeks to connect oral conditions with the overall health of a patient’s body systems. Both practices seek to understand cause and effect relationships and recognize that the genuine change—be it mental or physical—requires more than mere reactionary quick fixes.

By | 2011-02-05T03:22:36+00:00 February 5th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Why Yogis Will Love Holistic Dentistry

Dentistry News: Brushing Habits Tied to Heart Health

miami-dentist-news-brushing-habits-heart-healthDentists in Miami have written many articles on gum disease, heart disease, and the link the two diseases share. According to research, those with gum disease are place at higher risk of developing heart problems than are those without gum disease. Now, it seems, the problem may start well before gum disease takes shape. New research indicates that your habit of brushing may significantly affect your chances of developing serious heart disease.

By | 2011-02-02T22:53:06+00:00 February 2nd, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dentistry News: Brushing Habits Tied to Heart Health

Dental Amalgam 101

Dental amalgam is the proper term to refer to the silver material that is used in dental procedures like fillings. This material is actually a combination of mercury and at least one other metal, like tin. Invented in France in the early 1800s, dental amalgam has remained a popular filling agent because of its strength. However, experts at the World Health Organization have made a clear assertion: Mercury from dental amalgam feeds more mercury into a person’s body system than any other source combined, prompting many to seek safe amalgam removal.

By | 2011-01-26T02:20:32+00:00 January 26th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dental Amalgam 101

Holistic Wellness Requires Detoxing!

miami-dentist-holistic-wellness-requires-detoxingThe Miami Dentist Blog has covered heavy metal toxins before. These metallic chemicals are everywhere, and we ingest them more frequently then we think. To make matters worse, heavy metals accumulate in the body. Over time, this accumulation may lead to serious health conditions.

By | 2011-01-20T01:01:56+00:00 January 20th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Holistic Wellness Requires Detoxing!
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