Consult Miami Invisalign Providers for Crossbite Treatment

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Consult Miami Invisalign Providers for Crossbite Treatment

consult-Miami-Invisalign-Providers-for-Crossbite-TreatmentA crossbite occurs when one or more teeth are irregularly positioned horizontally; the teeth in question are either too close to the outside or inside of the mouth.  This is a common irregularity that can be caused by several factors.  When seeking to correct this irregularity, look no further than Assure a Smile!  Our office has been a Miami Invisalign provider for years, and we are excited to now offer $1,000 off all Invisalign Clear Braces treatments!

Comments by Dr. Ted Herrmann:

Crossbites are common among both children and adults.  Several things may contribut to the formation of a crossbite, including the following:

Keeping Baby Teeth Too Long:

It is common for some people to keep their baby teeth for a prolonged period of time.  Permanent teeth end up developing as the baby teeth are still in the mouth, causing the Permanent teeth to grow outward.  This can occur on one side or both sides of the jaw.

Excessive Mouth Breathing:

For children with serious allergies, nasal problems, and snoring tendencies, crossbites may occur because of too much mouth breathing.  As the mouth of a child grows, it is important for the mouth to remain in a natural and closed position through most of the day and night.  This closed position keeps the tongue pressed lightly against the roof of the mouth, encouraging it to grow outward in a natural fashion.  Mouthing breathing, on the other hand, keeps the mouth open for prolonged periods of time.  This pulls the tongue away from the roof of the mouth, allowing it to grow narrowly.

Narrow Roof of the Mouth:

The roof of your mouth is formed by the combination, or fusion, of a couple different bones.  Sometimes these bones do not grow in sync with the lower jaw, creating an upper jaw that is narrower.  As a result, the molars of the upper jaw are misaligned along the interior edges of the molars of the lower jaw.

As a Holistic Miami Dental practice, Assure a Smile strives to preserve the teeth and gums of our patients.  Drilling, chemical treatments, and tooth removal are conducted as a last alternative only.  For Miami patients, Invisalign offers the perfect solution for treating a crossbite.  These clear braces are comfortable, molded specifically for each patient, and can be removed at the convenience of the individual.  Most of all, they can correct misalignments without resorting to tooth removal or uncomfortable metal braces.

Special:  Miami Invisalign patients save $1,000 with Assure a Smile!

By | 2010-10-26T02:35:10+00:00 October 26th, 2010|Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Technology, Miami Invisalign|Comments Off on Consult Miami Invisalign Providers for Crossbite Treatment

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