Canadian Voters Aim to End Water Fluoridation

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Canadian Voters Aim to End Water Fluoridation

Is fluoride safe? The question is divisive, separating two main factions of health professionals that have very different opinions on the matter. Those in favor of the outdated practice say adding fluoride to public drinking water is a safe way to prevent cavities. Those opposed to fluoride disagree, urging Americans to consider that there is no clinical evidence that supports fluoride’s ability to reduce tooth decay. By contrast, there are countless studies that correlate fluoride consumption with arthritis, severe illness, and even death.
This November, several Canadian communities will have the chance to voice their opinion on the controversial topic. They include:

  • Cranbrook, British Columbia
  • Prince George, British Columbia
  • Sparwood, British Columbia

Fluoride Resources

At Assure A Smile, we believe families should have access to unbiased information on fluoride and health so they can make an informed decision. We are pleased to offer the following articles to help Miami residents understand what fluoride is, how it works, and the ways it might cause serious illness. Many of the following articles cite studies by the world’s leading research institutions and health professionals. We invite you to review these resources to learn more about fluoride:

Fluoride Epidemic Disproportionately Harms Black Community

Grand Rapids, Michigan was one of the first American communities to experience public water fluoridation. In 1962, at least one US Health Public Service official published an internal memorandum that states, “negroes in Grand Rapids had twice as much fluorosis [side effect; permanent discoloration of teeth] than others.” Yet, this alarming discovery did nothing to slow the promotion of water fluoridation throughout the rest of the century. Read more here.

Scientific World Journal Calls for Critical Review of Fluoridated Public Water

In this article, read why The Scientific World Journal says “…available evidence suggests that fluoride has a potential to cause major adverse human health problems, while having only a modest dental caries prevention effect…” Read more here.

Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

Nestle faces a class action lawsuit after a mother claims the company’s specially formulated “baby water” permanently discolored her daughter’s teeth due to the high fluoride content. Read more here.

By | 2014-11-06T15:54:25+00:00 November 6th, 2014|Fluoride in Your Water, News, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Canadian Voters Aim to End Water Fluoridation

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