5 Tips for Healthier Gums in 2012

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5 Tips for Healthier Gums in 2012

5 tips for healthier gums in 2012It’s that time of year, Miami!  It’s time to reflect in the ups and downs of the previous year and turn to the coming year with excitement and open arms.  The transition into the New Year can be symbolic of rebirth and a time to recommit oneself to the pursuit of a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle.  Gum disease is one of the most common yet misunderstood oral conditions known.  An estimated 30% of individuals are genetically predisposed to developing gum disease, and it is the number one reason for tooth loss in Americans age 30 and over (i).  Despite these overwhelming numbers, there is a simply way to build strong and resilient health in the gums.

Building a Foundation for Healthy Teeth

Healthy gums are important for at least two major reasons.  First, the soft tissue of the gums serves as a gateway through which the rest of the inner body may be reached.  This is beneficial when it comes to the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, as the gums allow vitamins, minerals, and water to pass quickly into the bloodstream.  This can be detrimental, however, when the particles happen to be malicious bacteria.  In the latter case, healthy gums are needed to ward off bacteria to prevent infection, agitation, and swelling.
Second, the gums provide a thick and supportive layer in which teeth reside.  Taking proactive steps towards building strong and healthy gums will, in turn, help to create strong and healthy teeth for life.
Assure a Smile proudly presents the following 5 Tips for Healthier Gums in 2012:
1. Brush Twice Daily
It is the oldest rule in the unwritten book of oral hygiene, but it is nevertheless important to restate:  Brush twice daily!  Brushing food particles away from the teeth is influential in preventing cavities, but did you know it is effective in preventing gum disease too?  Paying close attention to the food particles that find their way along the gum line is of particular importance, as removing these particles is instrumental in preventing the formation of bacteria and disease.
2. Floss Between the Teeth
Flossing teeth is just as important as brushing them.  To floss the teeth, take a piece of oral dental floss that is about 12-14 inches in length.  Wrap each side around the index finger of the right and left hands, and hold the floss in place with the thumbs.  Next, gently slide the floss down the vertical face of one tooth, across the gap, and up the vertical face of the proceeding tooth.  This is to be done between each tooth, removing stray food particles that brushing may have missed.
3. Drink Water
Drinking water is one of the easiest things an individual may do to prevent tooth decay and gum disease.  Water helps to wash food from between the teeth and gums and back towards the throat, where it is swallowed and ingested.  Drinking plenty of water before, during, and after each meal will help prevent food particles  from getting stuck in the teeth, which in turn prevents the formation of plaque, bacteria, decay, and disease.
4. No Smoking
Smoking is extremely hazardous to overall health.  Smoking has very specific effects on oral health as well, most notably because it creates a “dry” mouth where the incidence of decay and infection are heightened.
5. Dental Cleaning
Perhaps the most important means to maintaining healthy gums in 2012 is to have your teeth and gums cleaned by a Miami dental professional.  For children, it is recommended a cleaning takes place every 6 months.  Young adults and parents, on the other hand, benefit most from seeing a Miami dentist every 4 months.  It is important to schedule regular dental cleanings for at least two reasons.  First, a professional dental cleaning removes plaque buildup from along the gum line that might otherwise be unable to be cleaned (at home).  Second, dental cleanings present an opportunity for a dental professional to fully examine the teeth and gums to ensure all is well.  Things may not always be well, however, and it is important to see dental professional often so small problems may be treated before becoming large problems.

Assure a Smile: Miami’s Home for Holistic Dentistry

Assure a Smile welcomes Miami residents to experience holistic dentistry firsthand!  Now, new patients may receive a full cleaning and holistic wellness consultation for just $199.  Cleaning and consultation at Assure a Smile exceeds those of traditional practices by covering all major aspects of holistic dental health:  TMJ scan, full dental x-rays, cleaning, digital photographs, and a one-on-one holistic wellness consultation.
Miami residents:  schedule an appointment with Assure a Smile online or call our front desk direct at 305-274-0047.
(i) http://www.perio.org/consumer/f1.html

By | 2011-12-18T23:54:31+00:00 December 18th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on 5 Tips for Healthier Gums in 2012

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