How Does Bacteria Affect the Mouth?

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How Does Bacteria Affect the Mouth?

Did you know that the mouth is comprised of hundreds of different bacteria? Despite the negative connotations associated with the word ‘bacteria’, not all of them are bad. Some bacteria provide benefits to the body, such as aiding in food digestion.

Mouth bacteria are perennially active. Upon cleaning the mouth, it will find teeth to adhere to and start to reproduce. Any food or sugar that remains stuck to the teeth may aid this bacteria spread. As the bacteria develops, it will create a film coating of sorts around the tooth that will prove difficult to remove via simple brushing. As the bacteria continue to use sugar in its metabolism, it will produce a residue that’s acidic in nature, causing the protective outer layer of the tooth known as the enamel to dissolve. This process, in turn, results in the creation of cavities.

There are ways to prevent the spread of “bad” bacteria. For one, you should always brush and floss before bedtime to get rid of food particles that may have gotten stuck between teeth. You also want to make sure that you aren’t eating certain foods that are sticky and will adhere to the tooth surface. Another tip we’ve mentioned in the past is to reduce the amount of sugary or carbonated drinks you consume as the sugar will remain in the mouth even after the drink is done, increasing the odds of cavity development.

This update is by Assure a Smile, the longest-tenured holistic dental practice in Miami. Spearheaded by Dr. Theodore “Ted” Herrmann, our top priority is to provide patients with all-encompassing oral health care that safely improves oral health and wellness. By helping patients look and feel their best through a holistic dentistry approach, we strive to empower patients to make informed lifestyle choices that result in strong teeth, healthy gums, beautiful smiles, and optimum vitality. For more information on holistic dental care, CEREC technology, or to schedule an appointment with a holistic dentist, please visit or call 305-274-0047.

By | 2020-08-19T19:45:09+00:00 August 19th, 2020|holistic dentist, Holistic Dentistry, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on How Does Bacteria Affect the Mouth?

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