Miami Families Invited to Eat Well, Smile Bright This Summer!

//Miami Families Invited to Eat Well, Smile Bright This Summer!

Miami Families Invited to Eat Well, Smile Bright This Summer!

This summer, Assure A Smile invites South Florida families to eat well and smile bright all summer long. In addition to our new Kid’s Summer Dental Special, we have a variety of resources available on our website and blog that will help you learn to create healthy teeth and gums that will last a lifetime!
New to our website? Be sure to check out the following pages for ongoing promotions, oral health education materials, and more information on our “holistic” approach to dentistry.
We are now mobile-friendly! The all-new website is mobile-friendly, giving you on-the-go access to practice information, directions, delicious “teeth healthy” recipes, and much more! Whether driving to your check-up or grocery shopping for delicious summertime snacks, simply navigate to on your mobile device for 24/7 access.

Our Summertime Commitment to Your Family’s Health

At Assure A Smile, we believe ongoing education is critical in promoting oral health and total body wellness. The patient experience is firmly built on the desire to learn more about oral health, encouraging direct and thoughtful communication between patient and care provider, regardless of age.
We are pleased to supplement the in-office patient experience with the following online materials designed to keep your family cavity-free between check-ups:

Nutrition for Healthy Teeth and Gums

Visit these nutrition articles on the Miami Dentist Blog from your computer or mobile device for professional advice on nutrition, healthy recipes, and eating to promote healthy teeth and gums for life.

Minimizing Exposure to Toxins

According to the Environmental Working Group, the average person can cut their exposure to deadly toxins by 80% simply by following this guide to avoiding toxins in fruits and vegetables.

Holistic Dentistry

At Assure A Smile, we take an approach to dentistry that views the teeth and gums as representative of total body health. We believe this “holistic approach” enables the teeth and gums to experience healthier long-term development through proper nutrition and professional care. To learn more about what makes Assure A Smile pleasantly different from other traditional practices, visit our page on holistic dentistry.
Download Press Release: To download a version of this press release, click here.

By | 2013-08-12T12:40:42+00:00 August 12th, 2013|News|Comments Off on Miami Families Invited to Eat Well, Smile Bright This Summer!

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