miami dentist

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Miami Dentistry News: Dental Needs Among Children Are Growing

miami-dentistry-news-dental-needs-childrenOur Miami dental practice is fully committed to helping children develop strong oral hygiene habits at an early age. Studies show that good brushing habits, for example, significantly reduce the chances of developing serious illnesses like heart disease. Good habits start at an early age, however. Young children with good hygiene habits grow in to young adults with strong and healthy smiles. But is this happening? According to recent research, it is not. In fact, recent research indicates that over 80% of the Los Angeles area’s children are in need of immediate dental care (i).

By | 2011-05-20T02:09:06+00:00 May 20th, 2011|Miami Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry News: Dental Needs Among Children Are Growing

Miami Dentistry with the iTero Scanner

miami-dentistry-with-the-itero-scannerMiami dental professionals have the advantage of practicing medicine in a hub for international research and technological innovation. Often referred to as the Gateway to the Americas, the city of Miami is home to leading medical professionals and organizations from around the world. The medical industry in Miami is exciting and fast paced, exposing local professionals to the latest and greatest high-tech toys. This Miami dentist office is excited to introduce the newest member of the Assure a Smile family: The iTero Scanner.

By | 2011-05-05T02:48:42+00:00 May 5th, 2011|Dental Technology, News|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry with the iTero Scanner

Miami Dentistry News: Snakes and Spiders and Dentists, Oh My!

miami-dentistry-news-snakes-spiders-dentists-oh-myFear can be debilitating. It can consume the imagination, building a strong case for avoiding a certain person, place, or action. This process is helpful at times. Fear of getting a speeding ticket, for example, may impact your behavior and cause you to drive with caution. Other times, fear can be misplaced and extremely hazardous. Fear of health problems, hospitals, or health professionals represents just three instances when fear may cause individuals to compromise their long term health, causing more harm than good.

By | 2011-04-26T02:53:05+00:00 April 26th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry News: Snakes and Spiders and Dentists, Oh My!

Miami Dentistry News: Government to Phase Out Dental #Amalgam

miami-dentist-dentistry-news-dental-amalgam-phase-outAssure a Smile is excited to announce the news that the United States Federal government has officially called for the phasing-out of dental amalgam. The U.S. is aiming to reduce the use of this highly toxic metallic element in cooperation with the World Mercury Treaty, the newest of global environmental initiatives headed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and

By | 2011-04-13T02:43:47+00:00 April 13th, 2011|Mercury Free Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry News: Government to Phase Out Dental #Amalgam

Debridement Definition: What is Debridement?

miami-dentist-debridement-definitionDo you visit the dentist for a teeth cleaning every 6 months? Chances are good that you do not. Many adults take up to 12 months or more to visit the dentist for an exam or cleaning. Significant amounts of plaque tend to accumulate along the gum line, even though you may be brushing and flossing regularly. Extended absences from the dentist only increase the accumulation of plaque and bacteria in the mouth. Eventually, a process called debridement may be necessary to remove hard-to-reach plaque and restore general oral health.

By | 2011-04-02T02:47:26+00:00 April 2nd, 2011|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Debridement Definition: What is Debridement?

Miami Dentistry: Eat Healthy for Healthy Teeth

miami-dentist-eating-for-healthy-teeth Growing up you always heard about all of the things to avoid eating to keep your teeth healthy. Candy will rot your teeth. Gum is bad for your teeth. Soda destroys your enamel. Well, there is a flipside to the conversation. Have you ever heard about what to eat for better dental health? Today this Miami Dentist is going to continue coverage of National Nutrition Month with some insight on foods that will help create healthy teeth and gums for life.

By | 2011-03-22T02:00:43+00:00 March 22nd, 2011|Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry: Eat Healthy for Healthy Teeth

Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part I

miami-dentist-blog-free-radical-damage-part-I.   Dentists in Miami are becoming increasingly concerned with free radical damage. Free radicals are malicious, unbalanced atoms that gradually destroy cellular structures over time. Eventually, the cell becomes dysfunctional and dies. A growing body of research is beginning to link free radicals damage with serious illness, causing physicians and health care professionals to educate patients on staying healthy with antioxidants.

By | 2011-03-16T02:34:50+00:00 March 16th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part I

Miami Dentist News: National Nutrition Month is Here!

miami-dentist-news-national-nutrition-monthThis month, Assure a Smile celebrates National Nutrition Month! As a holistic dentistry practice, we urge patients to consider how their oral health is intricately related to other parts of their daily life. Nutrition is often the first area we recommend patients evaluate, as the food we consume comes into direct contact with our teeth and gums. Failing to eat well, along with poor oral hygiene, is the shortest path towards tooth decay and gum disease. Oral health, as recent research indicates, is intimately linked with overall health. In this way, eating well not only preserves your teeth and gums, but it also preserves your overall well being.

By | 2011-03-12T02:05:36+00:00 March 12th, 2011|News, Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentist News: National Nutrition Month is Here!

Teeth Grinding

miami-dentist-teeth-grindingTeeth grinding is most common among children. However, grinding teeth is also a problem faced by many adults. This habit, referred to as bruxism by medical professionals, involves the grinding and clenching of both the jaws and teeth.

By | 2011-03-02T02:46:12+00:00 March 2nd, 2011|Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Teeth Grinding
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