Cosmetic Dentistry 305

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Watch Out! Heavy Metal Toxins Are Everywhere

watch-out-heavy-metal-toxins-are-everywhereHeavy metals accumulate in our bodies whether we are aware of it or not. Sometimes the metals come from the foods we eat. Other times, we inhale metallic vapors from our environment. These heavy metals, no matter how they enter are body, are toxic and must be removed continually to maintain natural vitality and holistic health.

Comments by Dr. Ted Herrmann:

No matter how healthily we try to live, we will always be exposed to dangerous toxins simply because they surround us. Each day, we come in contact with several different materials that contain poisonous amounts of heavy metals that, when accumulated, may cause serious health problems. These materials may be found in consumer goods, food products, and even dental work.

By | 2010-09-30T02:46:50+00:00 September 30th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Watch Out! Heavy Metal Toxins Are Everywhere

Heavy Metal Toxicity and Dental Fillings

heavy-metal-toxicity-and-dental-fillingsAmalgam fillings have been identified as the greatest source of toxic metal in humans by the World Health Organization (i). In fact, the World Health Organization has stated that no other source on the planet contributes more towards metal toxicity in people than amalgam fillings. Staying aware of heavy metal toxicity dangers is the first step in achieving long-term holistic health.

By | 2024-08-20T13:51:35+00:00 September 29th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Heavy Metal Toxicity and Dental Fillings

How Dental Amalgam Poisons the Body

heavy-metal-toxicity-and-dental-fillingsAmalgam fillings have been identified as the greatest source of toxic metal in humans by the World Health Organization (i). In fact, the World Health Organization has stated that no other source on the planet contributes more towards metal toxicity in people than amalgam fillings. Staying aware of heavy metal toxicity dangers is the first step in achieving long-term holistic health.

By | 2010-09-23T02:44:20+00:00 September 23rd, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on How Dental Amalgam Poisons the Body

Amalgam Filling Removal for Expecting Mothers

amalgam-filling-removal-for-expecting-mothersHigh-content mercury fillings pose serious health risks, especially for pregnant or nursing mothers. Because mercury travels rapidly through the body, mothers can easily pass the poisonous chemical on to their children, often times without even knowing it.

Comments by Dr. Ted. Herrmann:

As a holistic dental professional, I am concerned with not only the mouths of my patients, but also with the wellness of their bodies overall. Particularly alarming to me is the abundance of silver in the mouths of traditional dental patients. This topic has been explored in great detail through our Miami Holistic Dentistry blog as research on the serious health risks that mercury-rich dental amalgam causes in patients.

By | 2010-09-21T02:27:17+00:00 September 21st, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Amalgam Filling Removal for Expecting Mothers

Invisalign Clear Braces 101

invisalign-clear-braces-101Is it possible to create a straighter, cleaner smile without having to cement permanent metal brackets in your mouth? Yes, it certainly is possible! With Invisalign clear braces, you can slowly build the smile of your dreams without wearing conspicuous and agitating metal braces.

Comments by Dr. Ted Herrmann:

Miami dentists know that physical appearance is very important for our patients. At Assure a Smile, we believe that your smile often makes your first impression for you. Individuals with straight and healthy teeth are confident with their smile, and it shows. Many desire a beautiful smile that exudes confidence, however, are slow to commit to having metal braces cemented into their mouths for months at a time.

By | 2010-09-16T02:33:29+00:00 September 16th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Invisalign Clear Braces 101

Miami Dentist Compares Invisalign vs. Metal Braces

Invisalign has become one of the biggest names in orthodontic treatments. Invisalign clear braces offer a discrete way for individuals to achieve the beautiful smile they have always desired. However, this progressive new treatment has many dental patients wondering: should I try Invisalign, or should I go with traditional metal braces?

By | 2010-09-14T02:19:40+00:00 September 14th, 2010|Dental Technology, Miami Invisalign|Comments Off on Miami Dentist Compares Invisalign vs. Metal Braces

Invisalign in Miami: Clear Braces and Happy Faces

invisalign-in-miami-clear-braces-and-happy-faceAt Assure a Smile, we believe your smile speaks volumes about yourself, even before you say a word. Our practice is proud to offer Invisalign clear braces, a teeth straightening solution made just for you.

Comments by Dr. Tedd Herrmann:

Yes, a straight smile can make you self confident and happy. More importantly, however, straight smiles are healthier smiles. A straight and properly aligned smile has smaller gaps between each tooth, leaving less room for food particles and bacteria to collect. As a result, it is much easier to keep your teeth and gums healthy with properly aligned teeth.

By | 2010-09-10T02:32:24+00:00 September 10th, 2010|Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Technology, Miami Invisalign|Comments Off on Invisalign in Miami: Clear Braces and Happy Faces

Choose White Composite Fillings For a Healthy Immune System

choose-white-composite-fillings-for-a-healthy-immune-systemTraditional silver amalgam fillings may contain as much mercury as a thermometer. Many Americans still have silver fillings despite international recognition of the health risks associated with them. Simply removing silver fillings and replacing them with white composite fillings can improve long term health, especially for the immune system.

By | 2010-09-08T02:10:25+00:00 September 8th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Choose White Composite Fillings For a Healthy Immune System
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