Eating Well for Healthier Teeth and a Healthier You
Assure A Smile knows that good oral and overall health [...]
Assure A Smile knows that good oral and overall health [...]
The fluoride-free dentistry movement has recently gained some star power, as actor and environmental advocate Ed Begley Jr. released a new Public Service Announcement (PSA), speaking out against the dated and potentially dangerous practice. The PSA was released in conjunction with the Fluoride Action Network, a leading advocacy group that aims to spread awareness for the toxicity of fluoride among citizens, scientists, and policymakers.
The number of United States cities and municipalities that have voted to end water fluoridation grew rapidly in 2012. As awareness for the issue continues to spread, an increasingly large number of communities are lobbying for natural drinking water that is completely free of fluoride additives. Among the primary reasons for discontinuing the controversial practice are concerns for the general health of the community, as well as concerns that it may incur an unnecessary financial burden that may not benefit the public at all.
For many, the idea of “genetically modified” (GM) crops does not sit well. Opponents to GM crops, like Monsanto’s corn, worry that genetically altering the structure of food can have a profoundly negative impact on the body when it is eaten. Unfortunately, a recent study published by the University of Caen in France has validated such concerns.
It may be difficult to believe fluoride is NOT good for you. We have been told by seemingly every dental professional that it is needed and good for us. In a world with store shelves stocked with fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses, and even fluoridated nursery water, it is hard to believe that fluoride is NOT needed to prevent tooth decay. In fact, there is no clinical evidence that supports the claim that fluoride “prevents tooth decay.” Clinical studies overwhelmingly show using fluoride has adverse effects on your long term health, especially when overexposed.
Dr. Herrmann spoke about “The Evils of Fluoride” at a PATH (Positive Alternative Therapies in Healthcare) meeting at the Miami Science Museum on October 24th. He brought to the audience’s attention that there is a large amount of misinformation regarding fluoride, and the increased use of fluoride has resulted in it being added to our public water, toothpaste and our food (readers may visit our list of the 5 most common fluoride sources to learn more).
Fear can be debilitating. It can consume the imagination, building a strong case for avoiding a certain person, place, or action. This process is helpful at times. Fear of getting a speeding ticket, for example, may impact your behavior and cause you to drive with caution. Other times, fear can be misplaced and extremely hazardous. Fear of health problems, hospitals, or health professionals represents just three instances when fear may cause individuals to compromise their long term health, causing more harm than good.
In honor of National Nutrition Month, The Miami Dentist blog is happy to share part II our free radical article series. Today, I’d like to spend a little time following up this week’s guide to free radicals. In this article we’ll dive into how to implement simple dietary and behavioral changes to both prevent free radical damage, as well as reverse some of the effects.
Dentists in Miami are very concerned with the foods their patients eat. For holistic dentists, food takes on even greater importance. As the old adage tells us: you get what you put in.