silver fillings

/Tag:silver fillings

Minamata Treaty Promises Global Ban on Mercury Dental Fillings

Leaders from around the world have officially signed an agreement that will phase-out the use of mercury, an extremely hazardous neurotoxin that is still being used in a variety of production processes and medical products, including silver dental fillings. Named the Minamata Convention on Mercury, the treaty is a big victory for environmentalists, health professionals, and consumers worldwide as it lays the foundation needed to cease mercury use and ensure its ethical and safe disposal. Read more about the Minamata Treaty, and watch the video below to see representatives from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) speak at this historical event.

By | 2013-12-04T11:49:28+00:00 December 4th, 2013|Mercury Free Dentistry|Comments Off on Minamata Treaty Promises Global Ban on Mercury Dental Fillings

Dentsply Urged to Cease Production of Toxic Dental Amalgam

Dentsply Urged to Cease Production of Toxic Dental AmalgamDentsply International, a leading supplier of many quality dental supplies and equipment, has been issued a wake-up call. At the end of last month, the organization was urged publicly to phase-out the production of dental amalgam, a toxic material known to contain upwards of 50% mercury content. The plea for the phase-out comes just months after 140 nations signed an international mercury treaty, agreeing to do their part in reducing the production, disposal, and adverse impact the material has on both the environment and dental patients. Now, 23 of the world’s leading health and environmental agencies, including Consumers for Dental Choice, have pressured the 2nd largest amalgam producer in the United States to do the same.

By | 2013-07-08T09:04:35+00:00 July 8th, 2013|Mercury Free Dentistry|Comments Off on Dentsply Urged to Cease Production of Toxic Dental Amalgam

Mercury Treaty May Mean the End of Toxic Dental Amalgam

Mercury Treaty May Mean the End of Toxic Dental AmalgamDental amalgam made headlines in early March when the Dr. Oz Show performed a demonstration that very clearly illustrated the toxic nature of the outdated silver fillings. Broadcasted on national television, the demonstration showed that silver fillings could leak odorless, extremely toxic mercury vapor when brushed by a normal toothbrush. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and holistic dentistry professionals are celebrating a new victory in the fight against toxic fillings, however. This year, more than 140 nations have signed into effect an international mercury treaty that lays the groundwork for an eventual “phasing out” of this dangerous material.

By | 2013-05-06T03:00:09+00:00 May 6th, 2013|Holistic Dentistry, Mercury Free Dentistry|Comments Off on Mercury Treaty May Mean the End of Toxic Dental Amalgam

World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry Celebrates 3rd Anniversary

World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry Celebrates 3rd AnniversaryAssure A Smile congratulates the World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry on 3 years of progress toward achieving mercury-free dentistry worldwide! Founded in part by Consumers for Dental Choice, the Alliance has fought hard since 2010 for the phase-down and eventual ban on dental amalgam usage. Assure A Smile is a proud member of the Alliance, and we share the organization’s excited sense of accomplishment with this historical milestone. Together, we will continue to spread awareness for the toxicity of dental amalgam and the long-term damage it causes to the health of patients, dental professionals, and the environment.

By | 2013-03-04T11:45:21+00:00 March 4th, 2013|Mercury Free Dentistry|Comments Off on World Alliance for Mercury Free Dentistry Celebrates 3rd Anniversary

Are Mercury Fillings Safe?

Are Mercury Fillings SafeGroups like the American Medical Association and the FDA that advocate the use of mercury fillings, also known as silver fillings or amalgam, acknowledge that mercury is a toxic heavy metal that can cause neurological problems, but they still insist that it is safe to use as a tooth filling for cavities. These fillings release mercury vapor each time a person chews on them, causing the body to inhale and absorb this toxic vapor. Eighty percent of this vapor accumulates in the body’s tissues because the body is unable to effectively excrete it.

By | 2013-02-25T03:00:18+00:00 February 25th, 2013|Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Are Mercury Fillings Safe?

Mercury in Teeth: Is Amalgam Poisoning You?

Mercury in Teeth:  Is Amalgam Poisoning You?Mercury amalgams are known to most Americans as “silver fillings.” An “amalgam” is a metallic mixture that is still used in many traditional dental procedures. Alarmingly, these dental amalgams may have a mercury content of 50-60% or more. The subject of mercury in dental amalgams has garnered national attention as the U.S. State Department announced its official stance on the use of this controversial substance last Monday, October 24th.

By | 2011-11-02T03:00:43+00:00 November 2nd, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Mercury in Teeth: Is Amalgam Poisoning You?

Miami Dentistry News: Government to Phase Out Dental #Amalgam

miami-dentist-dentistry-news-dental-amalgam-phase-outAssure a Smile is excited to announce the news that the United States Federal government has officially called for the phasing-out of dental amalgam. The U.S. is aiming to reduce the use of this highly toxic metallic element in cooperation with the World Mercury Treaty, the newest of global environmental initiatives headed by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and

By | 2011-04-13T02:43:47+00:00 April 13th, 2011|Mercury Free Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry News: Government to Phase Out Dental #Amalgam

Dental Amalgam 101

Dental amalgam is the proper term to refer to the silver material that is used in dental procedures like fillings. This material is actually a combination of mercury and at least one other metal, like tin. Invented in France in the early 1800s, dental amalgam has remained a popular filling agent because of its strength. However, experts at the World Health Organization have made a clear assertion: Mercury from dental amalgam feeds more mercury into a person’s body system than any other source combined, prompting many to seek safe amalgam removal.

By | 2011-01-26T02:20:32+00:00 January 26th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dental Amalgam 101

Holistic Wellness Requires Detoxing!

miami-dentist-holistic-wellness-requires-detoxingThe Miami Dentist Blog has covered heavy metal toxins before. These metallic chemicals are everywhere, and we ingest them more frequently then we think. To make matters worse, heavy metals accumulate in the body. Over time, this accumulation may lead to serious health conditions.

By | 2011-01-20T01:01:56+00:00 January 20th, 2011|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Holistic Wellness Requires Detoxing!
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