4 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease

//4 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease

4 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease

miami-dentist-4-ways-prevent-gum-diseaseSuffering with bleeding, puffy, or agitated gums is not normal.  In fact, these are 3 telltale signs of periodontal disease.  Known most commonly as gum disease, this condition causes chronic bad breath, a receding gum line, and eventually loss of teeth.  Take steps now, and you may be able to reverse this terrible condition under the supervision of a local dentist in Miami.

Comments by Dr. Ted Herrmann:

Gum disease is more common than you may think.  Alarmingly, this horrific condition affects nearly 85% of all Americans.  Signs of gums disease include puffy, bleeding, and agitated gums.  Agitation is most common after consuming food, when tiny particles are wedged between the molars of the upper and lower jaw.  Individuals may also notice blood in their saliva when brushing their teeth in the morning or at night.  Should you encounter any of these signs of infection, consult a Miami dentist immediately.  Additionally, consider the following 5 precautions in safeguarding against gum disease:

1) Brush and Floss Nightly—it takes only 48 hours for bacteria to infect the gums.  If you go to sleep with food particles in the nooks and crevices in your teeth, you give bacteria a winning chance of festering and infecting your gums.

2) Schedule regular dental cleanings—adults should schedule a dental cleaning about ever 4 months, and children every 6.  By visiting a dental professional regularly, you are able to stay on top of the development and removal of plaque from your teeth.

3) Choose Invisalign if you are getting braces—traditional metal braces have wires and brackets that are permanently cemented to the facades of the teeth.  This hardware can be difficult to clean, and may lead to increased bacteria and plaque cultivation.  When choosing braces, opt for a removable solution like Invisalign clear braces. Patients who use removable braces like Invisalign are better able to keep their teeth and gums clean.

4) Treat Problem Areas with Perio Protect—infected areas may be treated with medicated solutions like Perio Protect.  This system includes two custom made trays to fit the patient’s teeth and treat the gum line with prescription strength medication to slow and combat developing gum disease.

Gum disease is one of the most common and harmful oral infections among Americans.  When left untreated, gum disease can cause loss of teeth and has recently been linked with heart disease.  Should you experience signs of gum disease, particularly bloody saliva, consult a dentist in Miami immediately.  The Perio Protect system is just one effective means of treatment that is available through your local dental professional.

By | 2010-12-28T02:17:31+00:00 December 28th, 2010|Uncategorized|Comments Off on 4 Ways to Prevent Gum Disease

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